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  • UCFC | KG Bearing
  • UCFC Line Drawing | KG Bearing


Technical Details

Bore Diameter (mm) d Outer Diameter (mm) D Width (mm) B Weight (Kg)
35 1.53


They are Four Bolt Round Flanged housing units with a centering rim having a wide inner ring insert Bearings set screw locking and are also Relubricatable

UCFC UCFC207 Bearing is dedicated to heavy-duty machines and to reduce friction, support high load, shock, severe misalignment, and vibration. Sourced from our best vendors, it can accommodate heavy axial loads. Suitable for oscillating, rotating, and linear movements, it finds application in aerospace, defense, construction, mining, food & beverage, gas, hand tool, robotic, security, and transportation industry. Furthermore, it is widely acclaimed in the market for its rust resistance, high performance, excellent movement support, and low maintenance.


Available in metric and inch sizes.


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Bearing Number Inner Diameter (d) MM B Drawing k a s g j e i z n Bolt Size (MM) f p t Weight (KG) Housing No.
UCFC207 35 42.9 9 135 14 26 8 77.8 11 36.4 17.5 M12 90 110 41 1.53 FC207
UCFC207-20 1-1/4 1.689 23/64 5-5/16 35/64 1-1/32 5/16 3-1/16 7/16 1-7/16 0.689 7/16 3.5433 4-21/64 1-5/8 1.59 FC207
UCFC207-21 1-5/16 1.689 23/64 5-5/16 35/64 1-1/32 5/16 3-1/16 7/16 1-7/16 0.689 7/16 3.5433 4-21/64 1-5/8 1.56 FC207
UCFC207-22 1-3/8 1.689 23/64 5-5/16 35/64 1-1/32 5/16 3-1/16 7/16 1-7/16 0.689 7/16 3.5433 4-21/64 1-5/8 1.53 FC207
UCFC207-23 1-7/16 1.689 23/64 5-5/16 35/64 1-1/32 5/16 3-1/16 7/16 1-7/16 0.689 7/16 3.5433 4-21/64 1-5/8 1.5 FC207
UCFC208 40 49.2 9 145 14 26 10 84.8 11 41.2 19 M12 100 120 45.5 1.85 FC208
UCFC208-24 1-1/2 1.937 23/64 5-45/64 35/64 1-1/32 25/64 3-11/32 7/16 1-5/8 0.748 7/16 3.937 4-23/32 1-51/64 1.89 FC208
UCFC208-25 1-9/16 1.937 23/64 5-45/64 35/64 1-1/32 25/64 3-11/32 7/16 1-5/8 0.748 7/16 3.937 4-23/32 1-51/64 1.86 FC208
UCFC209 45 49.2 14 160 16 26 12 93.3 10 40.2 19 M14 105 132 44.5 2.53 FC209
UCFC209-26 1-5/8 1.937 35/64 6-19/64 5/8 1-1/32 15/32 3-43/64 25/64 1-37/64 0.748 1/2 4.1339 5-13/64 1-3/4 2.63 FC209
UCFC209-27 1-11/16 1.937 35/64 6-19/64 5/8 1-1/32 15/32 3-43/64 25/64 1-37/64 0.748 1/2 4.1339 5-13/64 1-3/4 2.59 FC209
UCFC209-28 1-3/4 1.937 35/64 6-19/64 5/8 1-1/32 15/32 3-43/64 25/64 1-37/64 0.748 1/2 4.1339 5-13/64 1-3/4 2.55 FC209
UCFC210 50 51.6 14 165 16 28 12 97.6 10 42.6 19 M14 110 138 47.5 2.78 FC210
UCFC210-29 1-13/16 2.0315 35/64 6-1/2 5/8 1-7/64 15/32 3-27/32 25/64 1-11/16 0.748 1/2 4.3307 5-7/16 1-7/8 2.9 FC210
UCFC210-30 1-7/8 2.0315 35/64 6-1/2 5/8 1-7/64 15/32 3-27/32 25/64 1-11/16 0.748 1/2 4.3307 5-7/16 1-7/8 2.85 FC210
UCFC210-31 1-15/16 2.0315 35/64 6-1/2 5/8 1-7/64 15/32 3-27/32 25/64 1-11/16 0.748 1/2 4.3307 5-7/16 1-7/8 2.8 FC210
UCFC210-32 2 2.0315 35/64 6-1/2 5/8 1-7/64 15/32 3-27/32 25/64 1-11/16 0.748 1/2 4.3307 5-7/16 1-7/8 2.76 FC210
UCFC211 55 55.6 15 185 19 31 12 106.1 13 46.4 22.2 M16 125 150 51 3.86 FC211
UCFC211-32 2 2.189 19/32 7-9/32 3/4 1-7/32 15/32 4-3/16 33/64 1-53/64 0.874 5/8 4.9213 5-29/32 2-1/64 4.01 FC211
UCFC211-33 2-1/16 2.189 19/32 7-9/32 3/4 1-7/32 15/32 4-3/16 33/64 1-53/64 0.874 5/8 4.9213 5-29/32 2-1/64 3.95 FC211
UCFC211-34 2-1/8 2.189 19/32 7-9/32 3/4 1-7/32 15/32 4-3/16 33/64 1-53/64 0.874 5/8 4.9213 5-29/32 2-1/64 3.91 FC211
UCFC211-35 2-3/16 2.189 19/32 7-9/32 3/4 1-7/32 15/32 4-3/16 33/64 1-53/64 0.874 5/8 4.9213 5-29/32 2-1/64 3.84 FC211
UCFC212 60 65.1 15 195 19 36 12 113.1 17 56.7 25.4 M16 135 160 61.5 4.69 FC212
UCFC212-36 2-1/4 2.563 19/32 7-11/16 3/4 1-27/64 15/32 4-29/64 43/64 2-15/64 1 5/8 5.315 6-19/64 2-27/64 4.82 FC212
UCFC212-37 2-5/16 2.563 19/32 7-11/16 3/4 1-27/64 15/32 4-29/64 43/64 2-15/64 1 5/8 5.315 6-19/64 2-27/64 4.74 FC212
UCFC212-38 2-3/8 2.563 19/32 7-11/16 3/4 1-27/64 15/32 4-29/64 43/64 2-15/64 1 5/8 5.315 6-19/64 2-27/64 4.67 FC212
UCFC212-39 2-7/16 2.563 19/32 7-11/16 3/4 1-27/64 15/32 4-29/64 43/64 2-15/64 1 5/8 5.315 6-19/64 2-27/64 4.6 FC212
UCFC213-40 2-1/2 2.563 19/32 8-5/64 3/4 1-27/64 35/64 4-47/64 5/8 2-3/16 1 5/8 5.5118 6-11/16 2-25/64 5.39 FC213
UCFC213 65 65.1 15 205 19 36 14 120.2 16 55.7 25.4 M16 145 170 60.5 5.3 FC213
UCFC213-41 2-9/16 2.563 19/32 8-5/64 3/4 1-27/64 35/64 4-47/64 5/8 2-3/16 1 5/8 5.5118 6-11/16 2-25/64 5.3 FC213
UCFC214 70 74.6 18 215 19 40 14 125.1 17 61.4 30.2 M16 150 177 67.5 6.46 FC214
UCFC214-42 2-5/8 2.937 23/32 8-15/32 3/4 1-37/64 35/64 4-59/64 43/64 2-13/32 1.189 5/8 5.9055 6-31/32 2-21/32 6.67 FC214
UCFC214-43 2-11/16 2.937 23/32 8-15/32 3/4 1-37/64 35/64 4-59/64 43/64 2-13/32 1.189 5/8 5.9055 6-31/32 2-21/32 6.57 FC214
UCFC214-44 2-3/4 2.937 23/32 8-15/32 3/4 1-37/64 35/64 4-59/64 43/64 2-13/32 1.189 5/8 5.9055 6-31/32 2-21/32 6.47 FC214
UCFC215 75 77.8 18 220 19 40 16 130.1 18 62.5 33.3 M16 160 184 67.5 6.86 FC215
UCFC215-45 2-13/16 3.063 23/32 8-21/32 3/4 1-37/64 5/8 5-1/8 23/32 2-15/32 1.311 5/8 6.2992 7-1/4 2-21/32 6.86 FC215
UCFC215-46 2-7/8 3.063 23/32 8-21/32 3/4 1-37/64 5/8 5-1/8 23/32 2-15/32 1.311 5/8 6.2992 7-1/4 2-21/32 7.11 FC215
UCFC215-47 2-15/16 3.063 23/32 8-21/32 3/4 1-37/64 5/8 5-1/8 23/32 2-15/32 1.311 5/8 6.2992 7-1/4 2-21/32 7 FC215
UCFC215-48 3 3.063 23/32 8-21/32 3/4 1-37/64 5/8 5-1/8 23/32 2-15/32 1.311 5/8 6.2992 7-1/4 2-21/32 6.8 FC215
UCFC216 80 82.6 18 240 23 42 16 141.4 18 67.3 33.3 M20 170 200 72.5 8.47 FC216
UCFC216-49 3-1/16 3.252 23/32 9-29/64 29/32 1-21/32 5/8 5-9/16 23/32 2-21/32 1.311 3/4 6.6929 7-7/8 2-55/64 8.65 FC216
UCFC216-50 3-1/8 3.252 23/32 9-29/64 29/32 1-21/32 5/8 5-9/16 23/32 2-21/32 1.311 3/4 6.6929 7-7/8 2-55/64 8.52 FC216
UCFC216-51 3-3/16 3.252 23/32 9-29/64 29/32 1-21/32 5/8 5-9/16 23/32 2-21/32 1.311 3/4 6.6929 7-7/8 2-55/64 8.39 FC216
UCFC217 85 85.7 20 250 23 45 18 147.1 18 69.6 34.1 M20 180 208 74.6 10.18 FC217
UCFC217-52 3-1/4 3.374 25/32 9-27/32 29/32 1-25/32 23/32 5-51/64 23/32 2-3/4 1.343 3/4 7.0866 8-3/16 2-15/16 10.3 FC217
UCFC217-53 3-5/16 3.374 25/32 9-27/32 29/32 1-25/32 23/32 5-51/64 23/32 2-3/4 1.343 3/4 7.0866 8-3/16 2-15/16 10.26 FC217
UCFC217-55 3-7/16 3.374 25/32 9-27/32 29/32 1-25/32 23/32 5-51/64 23/32 2-3/4 1.343 3/4 7.0866 8-3/16 2-15/16 9.97 FC217
UCFC218 90 96 20 265 23 50 18 155.5 22 78.3 39.7 M20 190 220 83.5 12.24 FC218
UCFC218-56 3-1/2 3.7795 25/32 10-7/16 29/32 1-31/32 23/32 6-1/8 55/64 3-3/32 1.563 3/4 7.4803 8-21/32 3-9/32 12.35 FC218